
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Assess Me #2

Yay week 2!!

homebody or busy bee: I like to be busy, always have to be doing something, but it can be at home, where I mostly am.

tea or coffee: I find both gross. However I could never say no to a diet Dr. Pepper

early bird or night owl: I am whatever I have to be. During the school year I'm an early bird, but during the summer night owl all the way (with naps, of course).

Girls or The New Girl: I haven't seen either, but I could watch Gilmore Girls a trillion times.

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Sunday Scoop 8/2

My favorite part of Sunday!

Have to do:
  1. My teacher bag is spread out on the dinning area floor, so I need to find it all and put it back together for work days this week.
  2. The laundry is washed and dried, but sitting in the laundry basket waiting to be put away, it really is the worst part of laundry.
  3. I really hate making my lunch for school, but I think I have a plan to make myself do it daily, and not just grab whatever is laying around and then be hungry 5 minutes later.
Hope to do:
  1. I am so excited for school! I just know I am going to have a hard time sleeping because of it.
  2. Sometimes getting the energy to go to Zumba is hard, I mean the couch is just so comfy.
Happy to do:
  1. I am so happy/excited to get back to school! I also get to meet our new teammates. I really hope we get some good ones to replace the ones from last year (it will be hard to replace the ones that left).

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

August Currently

I have been waiting most of the day for Farley to post the August Currently, because I actually remembered about this awesome linky today!

Listening: The Glee Pandora station is amazing to listen to, especially while reading.

Loving: All the time I get to spend with my dogs over the summer. Not getting this extra time will be the worst part about going back to school.

Thinking: I think as teachers we all feel this way, a lot.

Wanting: My husband makes his own version of hamburger helper, and it rocks! He doesn't eat red meat so we use ground chicken, egg noodles, chili seasoning, and of course cheese. So yummy!

Needing: You know that picture tat says something like"this summer is going by too slowly - said no teacher ever." Well, I am the teacher that has said this multiple times this summer. I am ready to go back and do what I love. I have felt like a part of me is missing all summer.

B2S RAK: I made cute notebooks for my team to hold all of our meeting notes. I know throughout the school year though I will give those teachers that need it a smile, and ear, and some chocolate when they are in need.

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Friday, July 31, 2015

5 for Friday

This is my last Friday of vacation! I am ready to get back to work, not ready to get out of PJs daily.

I tried a new recipe this week: baked wonton mozzarella cheese sticks.

They are AMAZING! I had them 3 days in a row. I could only find the smaller wonton wrappers, so I cut my cheese stick into thirds, wrapped, and baked! I am still perfecting the wrapping part so the cheese doesn't ooze out so much during baking.

My power went out yesterday for like an hour while the feel like temperature was 97. I do not know how people go without central air or a fan during this horrible heat.

I really have done nothing this week and am having a hard time coming up with 5 things. Most of the week was spent watching mindless TV and waiting for the bill from our old apartment to come. Drake ruined part of the carpet and I know we'll have to pay for it, but I have no clue how much, or if they're going to "find" more stuff to charge us with. So I sit here and wait for that. When I see the mailman go by, I get all excited and run to the mailbox to be disappointed.

I went to Zumba twice this week after not going for a long time. It felt good, though why do they have to have the music soooooo loud. I have no problem with it being loud, but there is a point when it is just too much and I begin worrying about everyone's ear health.

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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Assess Me #1

I was looking through my Bloglovin' feed and saw a bunch of people doing this nifty linky, so I had to!!


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Sunday Scoop

Have to:
  1. Laundry is already done, so I need to go grocery shopping this morning. I have almost nothing.
  2. Everything is pretty much unpacked, but the dinning table is the catch all for things we just don't know where to put things. We are also setting Drake's kennel up in there and that needs to be done too.
  3. Our pictures are just hanging out against the wall, on the floor, instead of on the walls where I would like them.
Hope to:
  1. I have two books I want to read, I just need the motivation.
  2. The dogs refuse to let me sleep in, today I made it to 7 at least. I'd love 2 days where I can sleep until 8 and lay in bed until 9.
Happy to:
  1. I go back to school next Monday, so I am happy to enjoy my last week laying around with no set time to do anything!

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Friday, July 24, 2015

Five for Friday 7/24

Saturday we moved! It was exhausting! Driving the truck was terrifying, but I did it.

Also thank God for my team mate and her husband. My husband's heart decided to act up, so last minute they came over to help us.

Everything is in the apartment, and 90% unpacked!

I discovered a very important life lesson during the move: do plug in a cord if it isn't attached to anything on the other end, especially a dryer power cord because it is about 30 amps.

Our new apartment is older so we had to switch the power cord out. Before attaching it to the dryer I wanted to make sure it fit in the outlet. Well, if you do that the power has nowhere to go and there is a big electrical flash and a mark on your wall. My husband than explained to me the electricity needs somewhere to go when it gets turned on.

At least now I have a great lesson to teach the kids when we do electricity in science.

This is probably my favorite spot in the apartment. This is the craft closet, before being unpacked. It is about 90% organized now, but I just love it! Drake, loves smelling around in it also.

In our old place we had a bar that we used for pictures and candles. At the new place that is the only downfall in my mind so far. So I am thinking about getting a set of these for the living room.

Today my teammate (hopefully two of them) are going to a book store that I saw in one of my Facebook groups.

It's called Fifth Street Books and is in Mebane, NC. They have thousands of book, and teachers get books for 25 cents with your ID. I am super excited!

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday Scoop 7/19

Have to:
  1. We got all moved in yesterday, now to unpack and organize the house.
  2. Of course the plug for the dryer is different than our old place. It is an easy fix, just why did they have to make two different outlets for the dryer?
  3. We have lots of sweaty dirty clothes to clean too.
Hope to:
  1. I hope to try out the new pool this week, I just love being in the pool!
  2. I have two books to read from the library, I'd really like to get them read this week.
Happy to:
  1. I love summer vacation and hanging with the dogs!

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Friday, July 17, 2015

Five for Friday!!

Today at 1:00 we sign our new lease!!! I am so excited to move into this new place and save some money!

Today at 3 we also pick up the U-haul and load it. We actually move in Saturday Morning. I am a little nervous about driving the U-haul, but my dad says I will be fine. Dads don't lie about this sort of thing so I have to believe him, right?

This is Chen after one of our walks this week. I just love how the walks exhaust the dogs and then his ear pops up.

Thursday my teammate and I went out and about to get out of the house, to help my boredom and make the time pass faster. We went a lot of places, but the most fun place was Lowes! We both needed a couple white boards for the upcoming year so we decided to try the whole shower board thing out, and it works! I forgot to take a picture of the final product but we used this board. We got 16 boards out of it, they're not exactly 8 by 11, but they will work for us, especially when we only spent $11 on them!

I have nothing else going on so here are two pictures of Drake!

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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday Scoop 7/12

Have to do:

  1. All that is left for packing is to pack the kitchen, our clothes, and technology. The technology will go in a bag Saturday morning, the kitchen will be basically packed today, and the clothes go in trash bags Thursday. (Seriously,  trash bags are the best way to pack clothing)
  2. Friday at 1:00 we will sign the lease for our new apartment!
  3. The worst part of moving is cleaning the old apartment. I really don't want to get charged with anything, though we know we'll have to pay some for the carpet.
Hope to do:

  1. Michael's heart doctor said he really needs to exercise more. So around 8:00 every other night we have been taking the dogs for a 20ish minute walk around the the complex, it has been really nice. I hope we can keep this up!
  2. I'd also like to read some this week, this past week I finished The Fault in our Stars.
Happy to do:

  1. MOVE!!! I am not really happy about the physical moving of stuff part, but I am very happy to be in the new place. We will be saving about $200 a month and they are working on building a dog park. I am also excited because the ceilings are normal instead of these 9 feet ones we have now, which should mean lower electricity bills! 

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Five For Friday!

Michael had his 6 month heart check up Tuesday. The doctor said everything looked okay so we only have to go once a year now!

The doctor did say he really should exercise more (he is a total gamer). So we started taking a walk around the complex at night with the dogs. It has been a nice way to end the day!

Really excited about this! We move next Saturday! We will be signing the lease next Friday at 1 and picking up the U-haul at 3! Saturday morning we will be moving in! I am so excited for this new apartment. We will be saving about $200 a month and they are building a dog park right now!

Yesterday I spent 4 hours in the pool reading, I could not stop. I am now a lobster.

Just how could John Green do what he did in this book? AMAZING book, but so heart breaking. I don't cry at books and I was on the verge of tears. AMAZING!

I've been doing pretty much nothing but packing and reading and pooling this week, so here is a picture of my dogs:

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