
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday Scoop 8/2

My favorite part of Sunday!

Have to do:
  1. My teacher bag is spread out on the dinning area floor, so I need to find it all and put it back together for work days this week.
  2. The laundry is washed and dried, but sitting in the laundry basket waiting to be put away, it really is the worst part of laundry.
  3. I really hate making my lunch for school, but I think I have a plan to make myself do it daily, and not just grab whatever is laying around and then be hungry 5 minutes later.
Hope to do:
  1. I am so excited for school! I just know I am going to have a hard time sleeping because of it.
  2. Sometimes getting the energy to go to Zumba is hard, I mean the couch is just so comfy.
Happy to do:
  1. I am so happy/excited to get back to school! I also get to meet our new teammates. I really hope we get some good ones to replace the ones from last year (it will be hard to replace the ones that left).

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  1. It is really hard to sleep the night before school begins. Have a wonderful first week!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. Back to school is so exciting, even when we're wishing summer would last just a little longer. :) Good luck getting some sleep! I have a hard time sleeping before school starts, too.

  3. Exercise is definitely on my to-do list this week too! I hope you have a really great week getting ready for Back to School!

    Carlee Van Ness
    The Kindergarten Press
