
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Positive Thinking Thursday 7/31

I have been meaning to share this picture for Positive Thinking Thursday for a few weeks now, but I keep losing track of the days. However, now that my first day back is getting close, I am on track.

This was from one of my parents this past year who I loved the whole family deeply, and I hope in a few years I get to teach the son.

This is framed and ready to go in my classroom for those rough days when I need a reminder of why I truly love what I do.

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What's in my Cart? Linky!

When I got word of the back to school sale on TpT, I jumped for joy. Then I remembered an awesome linky I linked up with for the last sale. Naturally I had to go see if it was happening again, and it is!!!

So I am linking up with Speech Room News to show off what I plan on buying in a few days for the big sale!

**Click on any product pictures to go to the TpT page!

First some products from one of my favorite sellers: Teaching With a Mountain View. I own so many of her task cards and math projects, I can not wait to add to my collection with these.

Write & Solve Long Division Task Cards for Enrichment & Cr Sequencing Reading Project {Activities for teaching Sequen Think It Through: Activities for Creative, Critical, Refle

First up more of her task cards! She has AMAZING, well thought out task cards for EVERYTHING. Division is very hard for fourth graders, so I know these will help.

I am pretty sure I own all of her math reading projects, and I love them. So when I saw on Facebook she decided to start making reading projects, I squealed, and then my dogs gave me a dirty look.

Finally from her I will be getting the critical thinking bundle to use for morning work I think. Or I will find something else to do with her cleaver ideas!

If you would like any suggestions for task cards to get from her, I would be more than happy to suggest!

Another AMAZING lady: Lovin' Lit. Of course I need to add to my interactive notebook collection:
Interactive Grammar Notebooks ~ Grammar & Mechanics for Co

24/7 Teacher creates some of the most thought out, easy to follow close reads. And they come at 4 levels!! Can NOT beat that!
August Close Reading Passages w/ Common Core Aligned Text

During a Blog Hop I got a sample of this product from Jennifer Findley:
Just Print! Back to School Common Core Printables {4th Gra
Soon I will own the whole set! Can not wait to use during those weeks of learning how centers/stations go!

This game set from Joey Udovich has been on my wish list since I saw a blog post from her about it!
Math Madness: Aligned to Common Core Standards

I think this will be a fun resource and get my kiddos thinking:
Fill-in-the-Blank Math Word Problems {with critical thinki

I don't remember how I stumbled on this product, but when I did I got excited. We do ecosystems first in science, and I think this will be a fun project to do to wrap up the unit!
Ecosystems Brochure Research Project

And the final product (at least at the moment) in my cart is a  newly updated product that I can not wait to use all year long:
Word Work for Big Kids

So what is in your cart for the big sale?
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Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Made It 7/28!

Time for Monday Made It!

I was kind of super lazy this week, but here we go!

I made some cute thumbtacks for two friends!

I finally finished making my Kicking It Multiplication program! I am also super close to finishing my division version! These are from Kelly Malloy and she also has addition and subtraction for you lower elementary guys!

And finally I finally organized mt science binders! They are nice, neat and in order!

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Five for Friday 7/25

Time to link up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday!

Divider 1

I am so ready to go back to school. I miss routine and seeing how my school is moving buildings, I and dying to see my room!!!

Divider 2

Wednesday I took the dogs to the dog park. I cut a couple of sets of task cards while they ran around like crazy. The laid around the house the rest of the day and the next day.
*Also I have been getting into Instagram, follow me @mrs.ashlinesrules!

Divider 3

I FINALLY finished prepping 24 of these bad boys:

This is Kelly Malloy's Kicking It Multiplication Fact Fluency. I am so excited to use this and the division set this year. She also had addition and subtraction. What makes this set even better (in my mind) is that I got it for half off during 2 for Tuesday! 

Divider 4

This is Drake, he was being weird and licking his paw, which is really out of the ordinary for him. My husband finally got him to let him look and we found a little cut on the pad of his foot. This is Drake's baby look:
Photo: Such a baby.

Divider 5

Earlier this week I got this flash freebie from Your Thrifty Co-Teacher:
Daily Fix It (Sentence Editing) Year Long Pack - Common Co
I have been trying to decide what to do for morning work this year, and I believe this is at least part of the answer!!
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Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Made It 7/21

Time to link up for Monday Made It! I was not as busy this week as last week.

I found a shelf on the side of the road! Here is the before and after, just need the things to hold the shelf up.

I wanted a way to store my white boards that are for small group time. I tried finding a bin, but didn't find any that were the right color and size. Then I spotted the white boards at the Dollar Tree in their cardboard holder. Took it home and used spray paint. (I forgot to take a before picture but you'll know it when you see it in the Dollar Tree)

I was so excited when I was in the DOllar Tree and saw they has the Dry-Erase pockets!! Downside: horrible color choices. 

So using Scotch Masking tape, clearance at Target, I did this:

 Side by side comparison:

Not exactly a crafty made-it, but I did make them. Since June I have been making sure I print off and laminate all sorts of stuff for my kids. This week I finally finished printing, first cut, laminate everything! Still need to finish cutting my 300+ laminated pages, but I am getting there!

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