
Thursday, July 31, 2014

What's in my Cart? Linky!

When I got word of the back to school sale on TpT, I jumped for joy. Then I remembered an awesome linky I linked up with for the last sale. Naturally I had to go see if it was happening again, and it is!!!

So I am linking up with Speech Room News to show off what I plan on buying in a few days for the big sale!

**Click on any product pictures to go to the TpT page!

First some products from one of my favorite sellers: Teaching With a Mountain View. I own so many of her task cards and math projects, I can not wait to add to my collection with these.

Write & Solve Long Division Task Cards for Enrichment & Cr Sequencing Reading Project {Activities for teaching Sequen Think It Through: Activities for Creative, Critical, Refle

First up more of her task cards! She has AMAZING, well thought out task cards for EVERYTHING. Division is very hard for fourth graders, so I know these will help.

I am pretty sure I own all of her math reading projects, and I love them. So when I saw on Facebook she decided to start making reading projects, I squealed, and then my dogs gave me a dirty look.

Finally from her I will be getting the critical thinking bundle to use for morning work I think. Or I will find something else to do with her cleaver ideas!

If you would like any suggestions for task cards to get from her, I would be more than happy to suggest!

Another AMAZING lady: Lovin' Lit. Of course I need to add to my interactive notebook collection:
Interactive Grammar Notebooks ~ Grammar & Mechanics for Co

24/7 Teacher creates some of the most thought out, easy to follow close reads. And they come at 4 levels!! Can NOT beat that!
August Close Reading Passages w/ Common Core Aligned Text

During a Blog Hop I got a sample of this product from Jennifer Findley:
Just Print! Back to School Common Core Printables {4th Gra
Soon I will own the whole set! Can not wait to use during those weeks of learning how centers/stations go!

This game set from Joey Udovich has been on my wish list since I saw a blog post from her about it!
Math Madness: Aligned to Common Core Standards

I think this will be a fun resource and get my kiddos thinking:
Fill-in-the-Blank Math Word Problems {with critical thinki

I don't remember how I stumbled on this product, but when I did I got excited. We do ecosystems first in science, and I think this will be a fun project to do to wrap up the unit!
Ecosystems Brochure Research Project

And the final product (at least at the moment) in my cart is a  newly updated product that I can not wait to use all year long:
Word Work for Big Kids

So what is in your cart for the big sale?
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  1. I'm so glad you linked up!!! Happy Shopping!

  2. thanks--- I just added that it's a party sequencing activity to my cart!!

  3. I am loving some of these products and, of course, had to add them to my cart! Thanks for sharing!
