
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Assess Me #2

Yay week 2!!

homebody or busy bee: I like to be busy, always have to be doing something, but it can be at home, where I mostly am.

tea or coffee: I find both gross. However I could never say no to a diet Dr. Pepper

early bird or night owl: I am whatever I have to be. During the school year I'm an early bird, but during the summer night owl all the way (with naps, of course).

Girls or The New Girl: I haven't seen either, but I could watch Gilmore Girls a trillion times.

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Sunday Scoop 8/2

My favorite part of Sunday!

Have to do:
  1. My teacher bag is spread out on the dinning area floor, so I need to find it all and put it back together for work days this week.
  2. The laundry is washed and dried, but sitting in the laundry basket waiting to be put away, it really is the worst part of laundry.
  3. I really hate making my lunch for school, but I think I have a plan to make myself do it daily, and not just grab whatever is laying around and then be hungry 5 minutes later.
Hope to do:
  1. I am so excited for school! I just know I am going to have a hard time sleeping because of it.
  2. Sometimes getting the energy to go to Zumba is hard, I mean the couch is just so comfy.
Happy to do:
  1. I am so happy/excited to get back to school! I also get to meet our new teammates. I really hope we get some good ones to replace the ones from last year (it will be hard to replace the ones that left).

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

August Currently

I have been waiting most of the day for Farley to post the August Currently, because I actually remembered about this awesome linky today!

Listening: The Glee Pandora station is amazing to listen to, especially while reading.

Loving: All the time I get to spend with my dogs over the summer. Not getting this extra time will be the worst part about going back to school.

Thinking: I think as teachers we all feel this way, a lot.

Wanting: My husband makes his own version of hamburger helper, and it rocks! He doesn't eat red meat so we use ground chicken, egg noodles, chili seasoning, and of course cheese. So yummy!

Needing: You know that picture tat says something like"this summer is going by too slowly - said no teacher ever." Well, I am the teacher that has said this multiple times this summer. I am ready to go back and do what I love. I have felt like a part of me is missing all summer.

B2S RAK: I made cute notebooks for my team to hold all of our meeting notes. I know throughout the school year though I will give those teachers that need it a smile, and ear, and some chocolate when they are in need.

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