
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday Scoop November 9

Time for Sunday Scoop with The Teaching Trio!

Finding stuff to teach NC SS at a 4th grade level is close to impossible. Coming from NY where there is an abundance of resources, makes it even more frustrating for me. So I am working on making some centers about NC government and constitution, and I want to make myself have it done today, or this week at the latest. 

I am very happy to be there for my kiddos when they need someone. Of course I wish they didn't have to go through the stuff they're going through, but I know they appreciate me being there. One of my students had her step mom leave dad, and she had been around for a very long time. One of my other students just found out his mom has cancer. They're too young to have to put up with this stuff, but I guess it is a part of life they have to go through.
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Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Currently and Sunday Scoop!

Falling back would be much better if I slept longer...


Tomorrow I get a new student! Now I am stressed about have #21 join us and getting her set up and on track with us. But, she is such a sweetie, mom and dad are awesome! I can not wait to have her!

I love the Gilmore Girls and decided to go through and watch it start to end now that it is on Netflix! My husband will be very happy when it is over.

Fall weather = <3

My computer just keeps getting slower and slower! Driving me insane! I can't do much because it is so stinkin' slow. It really is about time for a new one, but money sucks.

We sent in an application for a loan through the government to buy a home! We want to move into our first home this summer when our lease is up. Cross your fingers!

Two of my kiddos had colds/sore throats this week and were kind enough to share it with me. 

I just got done reading the Reading A-Z book on the Bill of Rights for our next unit!

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